There are many tasks that can be automated when doing pull requests. And the more of these tasks we can automate the more time we’ll have to focus on reviewing the actual code and focusing on the business logic. Danger is a tool that can help you out. It’s a… Read more »
If you are not new to iOS development, you know how important is to correctly decouple app components for testability and overall flexibility. Each feature should work independently from the others. Ideally, each feature should be easily replaceable with another component providing the same functionality. To achieve this result we… Read more »
The Reactive programming is getting popular as it is a completely different paradigm. Programmers use imperative programming quite a long time and it is prevailing nowadays. We are observing the RxSwift version 4.0 along with RxCocoa 4.0. The latter is the set of extensions for Cocoa elements such as UITextField,… Read more »
JavaScript running iOS applications can have the same or close to native performance. Do you believe this or not? Let’s find out. The first cross-platform framework that comes to mind is React Native. It is a framework for cross-platform development on iOS and Android. It uses JavaScript and TypeScript which… Read more »
If you want to share code between your projects but don’t want to share it with the public you have an option to create a private cocoapod. A while back I wrote about creating a cocoapod, this article won’t cover that topic. If you want to learn more about creating… Read more »
Carthage is a decentralised dependency manager for iOS/OSX. In this post, we’ll see how you can declare your project Carthage compatible and how to use Carthage in your projects. Carthage vs Cocoapods Carthage is a decentralised dependency manager. What this means is that, unlike Cocoapods, it does not rely on… Read more »
I’m pretty sure you already know what cocoapods is, but just in case, it’s a dependency manager for iOS and OS X. It’s a great little thing that makes importing libraries into your projects a breeze. I’ll assume you know how to use cocoapods, so this post will focus on… Read more »